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Someone said that, “It is not about getting more done but getting the right things done and that starts by knowing where you want to go.”

The usual frenzy about the New Year is that everybody wants to hit the ground running but what is the point of hitting the ground running when you don’t know where you are running to? It is not about activities but about direction. It is about your individual, collective, and organizational vision.

We often focus on strategy, and execution instead of vision which in turn gives direction. This understanding will guide your interactions, expectations, and associations.

Remember, it is not about activity, it is about productivity.

Happy New Month!

Understanding God’s Purpose for Marriage.


Hello there,

How are you doing today? It’s my delight to share this series of mine with you.

It’s titled  “Understanding God’s Purpose for Marriage

It’s said that “when the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable. ”
Permit me to say that “purpose gives direction

So, are you thinking or marriage or you’re already married, then this series is for you. Just click on: and you’ll be there.

Don’t forget to like, share the link with everyone around you, and make sure you subscribe to the channel so that you won’t miss other episodes.


Sir Michael Oyagha

Still On Marriage, Part 1

Still on Marriage

I just read the post by one of us talking about what’s delaying some brothers from getting married and he particularly mentioned Character.

Just to lend my pen, I had an experience some days ago that opened my eyes.

I went for an assignment in a particular office, Church office, and a Sister was there. While I was busy with a task, the thing was giving me some tough time and from no where, someone offered to help me with the task. It was the sister.

She took over the task and helped me to make it easy, I was just looking at her as Eleazar of Damacus was looking at Rebecca while she helped give water to his camels.

When she was done, she asked if I was good. Sure I was. She observed, I guess, that I’ve not eaten and asked if I would want something to eat. Though I declined, in my mind, I was wondering how she knew I needed food. 🤔

When I was done I said to myself that, this is a wife material. But the question is, how many brothers have the ability to DISCERN when they come in contact with one? 🤔🤔

One of the things Brothers need to pray for, is the ability to discern who your wife is, when you see her. Your inability to discern when you see her will make you to miss her.

The day I saw my wife, I immediately knew she’s going to be my wife. Don’t ask me how. That’s story for another day. 🤣🤣

Permit me to say, you can actually have the Nikki Minaj curvy sister with Chioma Jesus character if you have the ability to discern. If you don’t believe, check out my wiffy. 😘😘

Say “ameeen ” somebody!

Sir Michael Oyagha